Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please

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Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please


Post by ecogeorge »

Looking for a single axis tracker (I have panels) but money is tight. Can anyone recommend any ??
Looking here ........ ... -g77.shtml
Haven't time to build my own , but not saying I wont reverse engineer for my next one.
Looking at 3 or 4panels -1kw max. limited space but maybe 1,2 or 3 trackers.......
Maybe a row of 250w single panel trackers along boundary wall.
1750w Vertical PV micro inverters
3800w almost horizontal/south
Aarrow Becton 7 Woodburner
Dream 3kw ASHP only connected to summer Pool.
Allotment heavy clay.
1.784kw Kirk Hill
0.875kw Derril Water
0.2kwWhitelaw Brae
1kw Harlow Hydro.
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Re: Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please


Post by Fintray »

George, If you have the space wouldn't it be better to just buy more panels and have them in fixed positions?
Trackers are pretty cool though!
3.87kWp PV
10.24kWp PV SolarEdge system
Tesla Powerwall 2
100 x 47mm Navitron tubes (still being installed!) Now likely to be removed for more PV.
MK2 PV router DHW diverter
Morso 5kW WBS
Vaillant AroTherm 10kW ASHP
Nissan Leaf
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Re: Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please


Post by ecogeorge »

Hmmm ..maybe -space a little limited ........
Have 750w vertical on garage wall but West facing.
Have 500w on house wall West facing.
Roof is North/South but is an old roof (1930's) structurally sound but no felt -not messing with yet ............when i do will be integrated not surface mount.
Have rear garden boundary south facing -say 35' -was thinking 1, 2 or 3,4 trackers to follow sun.............. but could i guess get 2.5kw in a row ?? as opposed to 3 or 4 trackers of say 750 w ??
1750w Vertical PV micro inverters
3800w almost horizontal/south
Aarrow Becton 7 Woodburner
Dream 3kw ASHP only connected to summer Pool.
Allotment heavy clay.
1.784kw Kirk Hill
0.875kw Derril Water
0.2kwWhitelaw Brae
1kw Harlow Hydro.
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Re: Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please


Post by Stig »

Surely you'd have to space the trackers apart to avoid them shading each other morning & evening anyway? I thought the consensus was that panels were cheap enough now that trackers weren't economic any more. My vote would be more panels and avoid the hassle & maintenance issues.
Mr Gus
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Re: Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please


Post by Mr Gus »

if it is a boundary line utilise nowty's "ladder storage" option, outdoor storage below.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
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Re: Single Axis Tracker Recommendations please


Post by Marcus »

I think clockmanfr published a design for a tracker, but i assume you would still have to build it yourself, and i can't recall if he used an off the shelf controller or not.

You seem to be sorted for west facing so if you can manage static arrays south and east that would be my 1st choice.

If it's a choice between 1 x 2.5kw static facing south or 1 x 750w tracking, I'd choose the 2.5kw.

But you seem to say you have space for 1 south facing 2.5kw or up to 4 trackers of 750w (though i could be misreading what you put), which doesn't quite make sense to me as if you have room for 4 x 750 tracking, then by definition you have room for 4 x 750w wether the mounts track or not. I suppose you could build the 4x 750w arrays with a view to making them track at some future point, as funds allow.

I used to build small trackers, cobbled together from junk, and i still have the parts probably, but there always seemed to be tweaking or maintenance needed, and they did cause some anxiety in storm winds.
450W hydro-electric
5110W pv
1.3kw Wt2 - not yet producing
6kWh lead acid - maybe 1kwh useable
LiMnCo battery made from 2nd hand hybrid car modules 3.6kwh nominal 24v.
300lt hot water tank and two storage heaters
ASHP Grant Aerona 3 10.5kw and UFH
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