So yesterday was cloudy and finally generated 3kWh so that’s great.
Today approx 6:45 saw it generating 250volts and plugging away so all the issues of not generating around this lower voltage seem to have sorted themselves after the first day of operation.
Note to future self- leave inverter on connected to PV for a day before starting to worry!
Insulating Timber Garage
Re: Insulating Timber Garage
I was away until today, system generated a lovely 111 units of garage electricity in 10 days to help reduce household consumption.
Great to see PV working with now no effort now required, apart from planning future expansion projects!
Great to see PV working with now no effort now required, apart from planning future expansion projects!
Re: Insulating Timber Garage
Excellent! Long may it continue.
15kW PV SE, VI, HM, EN
42kWh LFPO4 storage
200ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees
42kWh LFPO4 storage
200ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees
Re: Insulating Timber Garage
Cheers mate, so happy that the panels that were sitting under a tarpaulin on the decking and the inverter that was sitting in the floor in my office that I bought separately during lock down are paying dividends and at least off the decking to let that get used now.
Re: Insulating Timber Garage
Project update, all good install surpassing original FIT install, SWMBO buying into this more and more