In early 2023, a Midea 12kw heatpump was installed under the ECO4 scheme by a company sub contracting to local installers, in the house we now live in.
Solar and internal wall insulation was also installed, and have also caused issues. I am unsure if these will be added to this thread as it develops, but it likely will, due to all being connected, so move if neccessary please.
We are currently in the midst of remedial work being carried out to get this system, safe, to code, and functioning properly.
The EPC has risen from a low E to a mid B with this work, though how accurate this is given the install issues, and flaws with EPC process is anyones guess.
I have repeatedly requested the heatloss calculations for this property from the firm, and each time I am told i will be emailed them, and am still waiting.
I will, in time do our own heatloss calcs but for the time being,
The property is a 90m2 2 bedroom end terrace house with a conservatory (72m2 disregarding conservatory)
The heat demand, in NE scotland, as given on the EPC based on 72m2 is
14278 kwh/yr for space heating
2794kwh/yr for hot water.
The demand taken from the MSDC from Eco handover pack for 90m2, is:
18217kwh/yr for space heating
4045kwh/yr for hot water.
These seem to be approximately the same and as you will see, somwwhat reflect our entire energy use for the last year.
The house previously had a Grant vortex oil boiler, feeding radiators thoughout the house and a 200L DHW cylinder in the loft.
All pipework was resized and replaced by the eco company, with only the DHW pipes from the cylinder, and the cold water pipes remaining as original.
The majority of the house has been piped in copper. The crawlspace has been plumbed entirely in plastic with pushfit fittings.
All radiators were upgraded to a larger size.
Pipework follows the 28mm primary, 22mm secondary and 15mm to radiators design.
All of these pipe sizes are therefore a mix of plastic and copper.
The house was split in to 2 zones "upstairs" and downstairs.
As such, had a 30Litre buffer tank and a secondary pump installed in the loft.

My Initial thoughts with the install were that however good it turned out to be, definate improvements could be made.
Not only by removing the buffer, and removing the zones,
But the state of the plastic pipework in the "crawlspace" was unbelievable, and sorting that out would make a huge difference.
Our crawlspace, is 4ft.
This is the badly insulated, awfully run, unsupported mess of pipes, and wires, left after the install.