Growatt GBLI 6531 6.5kWh battery pcb's

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Growatt GBLI 6531 6.5kWh battery pcb's


Post by Tinbum »

Just in case anyone is interested I have had some pcb's made to connect to the battery harness in the Growatt GBLI 6531 6.5kWh battery.
I've done 2 types. One is a breakout board so you can just connect your own bms wires or balancer. The Second is similar but with JS connectors.

I've also done another to utilise the LED's on the front of the battery.


Last edited by Tinbum on Mon Feb 17, 2025 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
85no 58mm solar thermal tubes, 28.5Kw PV, 3x Sunny Island 5048, 135kWh Rolls batteries, 52kWh Growatt storage GBLI 6532, 66kWh Pylontech US3000C, 43kWh DIY, Sofar ME3000's, Brosley wood burner and 250lt DHW
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Re: Growatt GBLI 6531 6.5kWh battery pcb's


Post by Stinsy »

Tinbum wrote: Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:45 pm Just in case anyone is interested I have had some pcb's made to connect to the battery harness in the Growatt GBLI 6531 6.5kWh battery.
I've done 2 types. One is a breakout board so you can just connect your own bms wires or balancer. The Second is similar but with JS connectors.

I've also done another to utilise the LED's on the front of the battery.


That's interesting. I remember a few years ago there were dozens of super-cheap Growatt batteries on eBay that were bricked due to failed PCB. Not seen any for a while though.
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Re: Growatt GBLI 6531 6.5kWh battery pcb's


Post by Tinbum »

These are for the later 6.5kw battery that also seems a bit susceptible to U/S bms's
85no 58mm solar thermal tubes, 28.5Kw PV, 3x Sunny Island 5048, 135kWh Rolls batteries, 52kWh Growatt storage GBLI 6532, 66kWh Pylontech US3000C, 43kWh DIY, Sofar ME3000's, Brosley wood burner and 250lt DHW
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