@marshman editing a load of old posts.

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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Stinsy »

For me the trend is clear.

This isn’t “hacking” or a technical glitch, @marshman is editing out references to himself, his installation(s), and his achievements. He’s leaving the parts where he gives advice or states fact.

Why is he doing this? I can think of a few reasons why someone might do this, none of them particularly cheery.

I hope you’re OK buddy.
12x 340W JA Solar panels (4.08kWp)
3x 380W JA Solar panels (1.14kWp)
5x 2.4kWh Pylontech batteries (12kWh)
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Joeboy »

I sent a PM last night to see if he is OK. Its been read but no reply. I hope all is well with him and wish him all the best if he is on his way from here. The door remains open if he comes back this way. :D
19.7kW PV SE, VI, HM, EN & DW
Ripple 7kW WT & Gen to date 19MWh
42kWh LFPO4 storage
95kWh Heater storage
12kWh 210ltr HWT.
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by marshman »

Thought I really ought to do the forum the courtesy of an explanation. I am leaving/have left the forum. It is a course of action I have been considering for a long, long while. There are several reasons but they can be summarised by saying that the general "morals" and "ethos" of the forum do not match mine - it's a free world, I'm not a whinger but feel I don't fit in with / agree with too many of the subjects discussed on here. I also do not like the way some of the members/posters have been treated, (thinking Billie, OGB, Krill -I think it was him- and very, very recently Windbag) just plain wrong and to me offensive. I know this is driving away "good" people who really do care about renewable energy and sustainability and could have a lot to contribute.

I was pleased when the forum was set up in the wake of the disaster at Navitron - BUT in all honesty - I feel it has drifted from it's original purpose - or what I hoped it would be - with every other post about how to game more dosh from Octopus, how much current you can drag from the grid, and how wind has just broken yet another record - that's a bit of an exaggeration to illustrate the point. The old place mantra of reduce consumption and "insulate, insulate, insulate", has gradually been lost and replaced with "get an EV, install more PV and get some batteries" oh and don't forget the aircon 'cos you can run it for free on your PV, and what ever you do "make sure you use every drop you generate it's yours, you don't want to export it to the grid for the greater good". In my view we should all tread as lightly on the planet as possible - buying a new EV, installing a few panels and storage batteries is not a free pass to then carry on as normal with everything else.

I'll leave it there and wish the forum well. I may look in occasionally just to see if things move back towards what I regard as genuine "Renewables and Sustainability"
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Stinsy »

marshman wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:02 am Thought I really ought to do the forum the courtesy of an explanation. I am leaving/have left the forum. It is a course of action I have been considering for a long, long while. There are several reasons but they can be summarised by saying that the general "morals" and "ethos" of the forum do not match mine - it's a free world, I'm not a whinger but feel I don't fit in with / agree with too many of the subjects discussed on here. I also do not like the way some of the members/posters have been treated, (thinking Billie, OGB, Krill -I think it was him- and very, very recently Windbag) just plain wrong and to me offensive. I know this is driving away "good" people who really do care about renewable energy and sustainability and could have a lot to contribute.

I was pleased when the forum was set up in the wake of the disaster at elsewhere - BUT in all honesty - I feel it has drifted from it's original purpose - or what I hoped it would be - with every other post about how to game more dosh from Octopus, how much current you can drag from the grid, and how wind has just broken yet another record - that's a bit of an exaggeration to illustrate the point. The old place mantra of reduce consumption and "insulate, insulate, insulate", has gradually been lost and replaced with "get an EV, install more PV and get some batteries" oh and don't forget the aircon 'cos you can run it for free on your PV, and what ever you do "make sure you use every drop you generate it's yours, you don't want to export it to the grid for the greater good". In my view we should all tread as lightly on the planet as possible - buying a new EV, installing a few panels and storage batteries is not a free pass to then carry on as normal with everything else.

I'll leave it there and wish the forum well. I may look in occasionally just to see if things move back towards what I regard as genuine "Renewables and Sustainability"
I don't agree with your assessment. Maybe I missed the threads where people have been treated badly (I don't read every thread).

You're welcome to contribute to the threads you agree with and ignore the rest. I can see how some people approach solar/batteries with the mindset of "consume as little as possible" and others are more "With a few more panels I don't have to feel guilty about my AC or hot tub" and there is a spectrum inbetween. All opinions are valid.

The old place seemed to be dominated by off-grid types who are obviously a teeny minority, whereas this one is a little more "suburban", so feels a little more inclusive to me.
12x 340W JA Solar panels (4.08kWp)
3x 380W JA Solar panels (1.14kWp)
5x 2.4kWh Pylontech batteries (12kWh)
LuxPower inverter/charger

(Artist formally known as ******, well it should be obvious enough to those for whom such things are important.)
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Stig »

marshman wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:02 am Thought I really ought to do the forum the courtesy of an explanation. I am leaving/have left the forum. It is a course of action I have been considering for a long, long while. There are several reasons but they can be summarised by saying that the general "morals" and "ethos" of the forum do not match mine - it's a free world, I'm not a whinger but feel I don't fit in with / agree with too many of the subjects discussed on here. I also do not like the way some of the members/posters have been treated, (thinking Billie, OGB, Krill -I think it was him- and very, very recently Windbag) just plain wrong and to me offensive. I know this is driving away "good" people who really do care about renewable energy and sustainability and could have a lot to contribute.

I was pleased when the forum was set up in the wake of the disaster at elsewhere - BUT in all honesty - I feel it has drifted from it's original purpose - or what I hoped it would be - with every other post about how to game more dosh from Octopus, how much current you can drag from the grid, and how wind has just broken yet another record - that's a bit of an exaggeration to illustrate the point. The old place mantra of reduce consumption and "insulate, insulate, insulate", has gradually been lost and replaced with "get an EV, install more PV and get some batteries" oh and don't forget the aircon 'cos you can run it for free on your PV, and what ever you do "make sure you use every drop you generate it's yours, you don't want to export it to the grid for the greater good". In my view we should all tread as lightly on the planet as possible - buying a new EV, installing a few panels and storage batteries is not a free pass to then carry on as normal with everything else.

I'll leave it there and wish the forum well. I may look in occasionally just to see if things move back towards what I regard as genuine "Renewables and Sustainability"
I can see where you're coming from, I've had similar thoughts. Sorry to see you go.
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Joeboy »

MM sent me a nice PM, a shame to see him go. A long time ago I did some training on personality types, it was excellent, I took some guidance and many pointers away from it (maybe not as many as I should).

I was born late 60's In Glasgow and at that time and during my upbringing, everything you did and said had potential heavy repercussions. It was the same all through my youth and into young adulthood. As I was a big strong boy I was quite capable but never a bully and my Dad said to me 'sort it out but don't take liberties'. This developed into my rule of three, one warning, two warning, BANG. That stood me in good stead and I never carried guilt of taking advantage of someone (everybody bought what they got). I then went on to work offshore where I was surrounded by all sorts of people, mostly type A's. The management style for type A's in remote locations has to be quite direct. Its not a bad thing but works best when its straight and to the point. They don't always like it but they're grown men and you are looking out for them and the team as a whole.

I've seen how other styles crash catastrophically in those circumstances. This leads me onto this place. As we don't have fulltime mods it falls to me to keep an eye out for trends. In particular, discourtesy, bullying, extended sarcasm towards one individual, that sort of thing.

If i see that sort of stuff I nip it in the bud and go to good old Rule 1,2 & 3 (BANG, now being you're out of here but can come back in a month or so if you don't behave like a dick).

I won't always get it right and anyone can approach me by PM if they think I am being excessive or unjustified (Q flood of PM's). :)

I've only barred one person and this is year 3 and I made it plain that he could come back later. Two to date (incl today) have chosen to walk away and that's a damn shame as I/we valued their input. I'd like to see them back but grown men make their own decisions.

As to the ethos & direction of the conversations, they are what they are and anyone can launch a new one or direct the flow of a current one. Entirely up to them.

Thanks for all your input MM, I hope we see you posting again.

Edit- Casting my mind back. OGB did say something similar regarding ethos. I said at the time. Request any subforum you want. I still say that, put in the work to direct it how you'd like it to be. It's also your forum.
Last edited by Joeboy on Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
19.7kW PV SE, VI, HM, EN & DW
Ripple 7kW WT & Gen to date 19MWh
42kWh LFPO4 storage
95kWh Heater storage
12kWh 210ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
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Zoned GCH & Hive 2
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Mr Gus »

I think the topic of enough insulation has been done to death tbh, covid., economy, grenfells damning of so much insulation has made it a hard to tackle subject, we all know insulation makes sense, but the price for it has typically spun out of control meaning looking sideways at ASHP & the like a better prospect to keep chipping away at consumption.

When we all banged on about insulation (great threads admittedly) we were still in an acceptable pricepoint, deals for basic insulation now ended so minds go elsewhere, now compare prices of sheets, if you can source them its a different commodity with much more value to a seller (driving down return time) ..messed up again by political turmoil & energy crisis on a rinse & repeat.

I agree with the intense monetisation of ripple, but again loom at the political climate, & the don't draw from the grid game is often misconstrued whereas it really means attentive monitoring & controlled use.

Billie, well, debateable he seemed to go off the rsils & ranted, no backstory to pin it on but presumably a marital breakdown taking him to the edge, he did become very goading, not healthy for the collective a time out from keyboards
might be what he needed,we will never know (unless he comes back) ..tonally he was questionable.

OGB, I have no.idea, am not privy to back end machinations.
Windbag? ..still here, likely understanding the non harmful logging of the data by way of further explanation from Nowty, sh1t happens, people argue
I asked him to remove the blinkers, because not everyone is out to cause harm along the way, was I wrong? ..I was trying to counter an incorrect perception, nowty is a numbers man, increased numbers are like days without coal, new percentile s achoeved for renewables generation, inspirationfor all to keep plugging away, (nuclear is forever touchy here right? ..any discussion can become animated, its a sounding board, I was talking to wife who said "xxx" was the new twitter, ...but she hadn't realized its algorithm aligns you with your interests so much that its bad for ideas, concepts, alternate views & insight, ..id hate to find myself aligned witha bunch of folk who think all cyclists are ****s but thats how it can easily play out.

Everwhere gets stale given ti me, & yes the issues arent as widely covered as on st elsewhere, but nothing to stop them from being discussed & threads started /resurrected ..if folk care to, by their own hand.

Don't stay silent MM bring more.to the table (wherever you go) ..if it gets heated but learnt from thats still a positive for knowledge expansion.

I too want to see better access to co-operative power investment, its a mess to possibly hand over the required community fund money from schemes that don't think bigger, an opportunity wasted. I see it locally with a pot of windfarm cash under utilised.

The hippy in me wants a buy a watt in renweables as easily as a lottery ticket & preferably from the same type of terminals, ..the fact that the govt has handed it all to a czech european lottery billionaire of questionable reputation shows how screwed we are even where "charity" lies as a commercial entity.

I forgot my password for green living forum long ago, it was first good but way too hippy for me (speaking as one) ..woodstoves are now the antichrist (thanks guardian) inner city outdoor pizza ovens are fine !? (again the guardian & many other page fillers) ..& whilst still useful can be as much as getting a n ashp fitted if we look at it from scratch, both really need insulation to operate properly, but one offers "technically" far less work & fuzzy logic . .so its not surprising Ashp is favoured on a multi seasonal return. (for instance) there was too much living in a forest & not enough reality, but doubtless im missing info by not revisiting the place (helps if you can remember your log in)

Glad you surfaced, mystery disappearances are concerning, silence doesn't make for change.
Don't be a total stranger, & thanks for your interjections over many years & various platforms.

We are all different real world personalities, which is missing from a keyboard typed forum, & is another obstacle in rubbing along. ..it gets bitchy down a pub given subject matter & not even too much alcohol, maybe more so.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Marcus »

Stig wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 1:10 pm
marshman wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:02 am Thought I really ought to do the forum the courtesy of an explanation. I am leaving/have left the forum. It is a course of action I have been considering for a long, long while. There are several reasons but they can be summarised by saying that the general "morals" and "ethos" of the forum do not match mine - it's a free world, I'm not a whinger but feel I don't fit in with / agree with too many of the subjects discussed on here. I also do not like the way some of the members/posters have been treated, (thinking Billie, OGB, Krill -I think it was him- and very, very recently Windbag) just plain wrong and to me offensive. I know this is driving away "good" people who really do care about renewable energy and sustainability and could have a lot to contribute.

I was pleased when the forum was set up in the wake of the disaster at elsewhere - BUT in all honesty - I feel it has drifted from it's original purpose - or what I hoped it would be - with every other post about how to game more dosh from Octopus, how much current you can drag from the grid, and how wind has just broken yet another record - that's a bit of an exaggeration to illustrate the point. The old place mantra of reduce consumption and "insulate, insulate, insulate", has gradually been lost and replaced with "get an EV, install more PV and get some batteries" oh and don't forget the aircon 'cos you can run it for free on your PV, and what ever you do "make sure you use every drop you generate it's yours, you don't want to export it to the grid for the greater good". In my view we should all tread as lightly on the planet as possible - buying a new EV, installing a few panels and storage batteries is not a free pass to then carry on as normal with everything else.

I'll leave it there and wish the forum well. I may look in occasionally just to see if things move back towards what I regard as genuine "Renewables and Sustainability"
I can see where you're coming from, I've had similar thoughts. Sorry to see you go.

I largely agree with what you say MM . I did wonder what happened to OGB, and had thought that Billie hadn't been around for a while - but I'm a bit of an intermittent visitor and tend to only read a few threads, so perhaps i missed the events that lead their departures.
450W hydro-electric
5110W pv
1.3kw Wt2 - not yet producing
6kWh lead acid - maybe 1kwh useable
LiMnCo battery made from 2nd hand hybrid car modules 3.6kwh nominal 24v.
300lt hot water tank and two storage heaters
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by chris_n »

OGB has appeared on another forum and has stated much the same as being the reason he left.
I left another forum as there were a hard core of members intent on gaming the system with their home-built battery systems.
Living the dream in Austria.
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Re: @marshman editing a load of old posts.


Post by Joeboy »

chris_n wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 6:41 am OGB has appeared on another forum and has stated much the same as being the reason he left.
I left another forum as there were a hard core of members intent on gaming the system with their home-built battery systems.
Hard-core? Where? who? when? us? :D :lol:

I thought we were simply a group of guys utilising our personal resources in the environment as is, moment by moment.

Wow! Hard-core eh? 8-) :o

Best of luck to him, I hope he finds what he's looking for in the next forum. The preachy judgements had become wearing towards his self end here.
19.7kW PV SE, VI, HM, EN & DW
Ripple 7kW WT & Gen to date 19MWh
42kWh LFPO4 storage
95kWh Heater storage
12kWh 210ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Zoned GCH & Hive 2
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees
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