1st "Wham-Bam" moment.

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Re: 1st "Wham-Bam" moment.


Post by Bugtownboy »

Don’t know if it’s the same initiative, but there is something happening in the SW to give dash cams to delivery drivers and other professional/high usage drivers to improve driving standards.

OK, it’s anecdotal, but our mileage has reduced significantly to 4K per year. Trouble is, each time we drive outside ‘local’ it looks more chaotic. We had a weekend away to the mid south coast a few weeks ago and got caught up in some serious road rage.

Really aggressive driving between two ‘berks’ that without awareness of others would have resulted, I believe, at least in significant vehicular damage.

What is wrong with people ? Why the aggression ? - this incident resulted in us being cut up at a roundabout with one blokey getting out of his car to, presumably, deliver some physical or verbal violence to another.

This resulted, as far as we were concerned, to no issue. What happened after we drove on :roll:

Why are people driving so crazily/aggressively ? What’s it reflect ?
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Re: 1st "Wham-Bam" moment.


Post by nowty »

I agree to some extent with Bugtownboy as I noticed on my drive to London last weekend, it seemed that many folk had simply forgotten how to drive, there were numerous accidents and strange behaviours on the motorway.

Maybe because of lack of recency of driving or call it lock down syndrome or whatever.

From the video it appears he did slow down to let you in, but you did not move over in HIS perceived (very short) timescale so his impatience caused the near collision.

I recall many years ago at the end of a week long residential course the parting remark from the tutor was, for the past week you have been using the left / right (cannot remember which) side of your brain but you need the other side to do physical tasks like driving so please be careful on your journey home.
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