Wind proof bin store

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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Fintray »

That would have been an interesting place to visit, I do like a power plant! :geek:
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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Moxi »



Put in to position Sunday afternoon, by tea time we had gales and all night it was gusting to fifty and sixty ?????

This morning drizzle and dense low cloud, so I popped out around 12 and cabled up, energised and about ten minutes later the sun came out. Currently locked in easterly position pending the arrival of some fittings to allow a functional pivot although after last night I might lock it down and position another panel next to the bunker as a rain canopy. Got to clear the flotsam and jetsam from the side of the bunker and then look at options to put one or two ?? panels on the bunker roof over the corrugated panels. Has anyone fitted over corrugated sheets before ? Any recommendations.

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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Moxi »

Just had a look at the bunker roof and it’s a no go, there’s only a single line of anchor bolts attaching the roof to the bunker :( so unless I can think of something a bit “left field” it won’t be an option, not that the pitch was much good anyway but I was working on the principle of it being there accessible and available.

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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Joeboy »

Moxi wrote: Mon Aug 12, 2024 8:13 pm Image


Put in to position Sunday afternoon, by tea time we had gales and all night it was gusting to fifty and sixty ?????

This morning drizzle and dense low cloud, so I popped out around 12 and cabled up, energised and about ten minutes later the sun came out. Currently locked in easterly position pending the arrival of some fittings to allow a functional pivot although after last night I might lock it down and position another panel next to the bunker as a rain canopy. Got to clear the flotsam and jetsam from the side of the bunker and then look at options to put one or two ?? panels on the bunker roof over the corrugated panels. Has anyone fitted over corrugated sheets before ? Any recommendations.

Looks great, just seen the photos.
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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Joeboy »

You could do an internal wooden framework tagged back to the walls, then drill through panel edge, sheeting, through timber and bolt
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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by AGT »

Just as Joe says and ... gJOIvD_BwE

Drill these through the roof into the new timbers
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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Moxi »

Joeboy wrote: Sat Aug 17, 2024 1:48 pm You could do an internal wooden framework tagged back to the walls, then drill through panel edge, sheeting, through timber and bolt
I had put this location on hold while I investigated the south side of the cottage - but as posted elsewhere the wind loading on a free standing 2kWp (4 panel) vertical array would require approx 3 tonne of ballast to offset wind loadings and 3;1 mechanical lever advantage that the frame would incidentally provide.

Now it seems I might need to reconsider it as well as some other options, I will post up some pictures taken around the place this morning to give you an idea of what space there is and to see if anyone spots anything I might otherwise have missed in terms of opportunities.

With PV being so cheap at the minute I was wanting to put up as much as practicable to see how much I could offset my bills, I am happy to consider panels as cladding to building sides, making store sheds from panels etc etc - The killer where I live is regular storms, steady wind conditions range from 5mph to 25mph, blustery days 30mph to 40mph, storm days 50mph to 80mph, add 15 to 25mph to any of those ranges to get an idea of what the gusts can get to worst recorded was 105mph - predominantly South Westerlies but this can swing from S to NNW other points are generally sheltered by the slate tip to the rear of the cottage and some 20 meters higher than the roof apex. So when I build solar panels they tend to have to be well anchored !

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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Moxi »

The first photo shows the bin store and the bunker, as JB says the weather is being kind today so I propped my 275Wp against the old saw horse and brought in some morning sun, this area is a bit of a tip for all sorts of wind battered and broken stuff that awaits recycling or re-use. I know it would be a winner if I cleared this area up and I have wondered about building a unistrut lean to at the side of the bunker and using some PV panels as part of the building cladding, I think portrait wise 1 panel east and west vertical, 1 panel for the roof north 30 degree pitch and then clad the vertical side in something unless anyone knows that north faced vertical panels are worth it ? I could put another east facing panel the other side of the telegraph pole at 45 degrees and on the reverse side it could provide a useful sheltered recycling bin store.

This is the ready to hand wood store next to the front door, some of you might recognise the battery shed next to it, no direct sun to 12 noon here but brilliant evening insolation - I was wondering - switch out the corrugated wood store lid for a suitable sized panel (my 275Wp for example) Modify the front lip to be higher and slop to the boundary wall for drainage (or empty it and turn it around and reposition the hinges opposite but its really REALLY heavy even when empty) Then a small panel on the top of the battery shed (12Volt) just to help water to run off the roof - could make it two panels on a South North axis to get that little bit extra - these panels will be tiny - maybe 50Wp ? but every little helps.
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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Moxi »

Just for reference I am uploading the photos from the phone then using the laptop to edit and add the text so there's always going to be a bit of a gap before the post is fully completed

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Re: Wind proof bin store


Post by Moxi »


Post image doesn't like me today, it keeps going error code 0 and cant do this or that :lol:

Anyhoo, this was the position that I wanted to put the 4 panels in portrait vertically, it used to be where the (too)mobile array was placed until the wind got under it and repositioned the frame and panels one dark and stormy night. Its got a 400 static at present at 45 degrees and it does a good job, the 45 degree angle and 1114mm hypotenuse means the panel only just creeps on to the play area for the lads so it was deemed ok. The problem is from around October the panel will be shaded from the perimeter walls and a non negotiable tree from noon onwards, hence the elevated panel idea and a vertical position to make the most from winter conditions and provide more space for people using the paved area.

It may just have to stay as that for the time being.

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