Last night we drove into a nearby town to get a couple of M&S "too good to go" bags.
At the till wife & I jokingly enquired as to the whereabouts of the car chargers, (the rear area was marked off & had covered skips in parking spaces)
..unlikely as it is not on the A1 or other busy roads ..but there is one some miles away. at a horse racing venue!? ..but "price of petrol & that" being scorching topics I thought I'd ask for fun.I
Him: They need to sort the technology out first.
Me: What problems does *technology* need to overcome?
Him: I love in a maisonette (common 60's build for those ripped from london) & have no parking outside my house.
(So not a *technology* problem then)
Me: But what *technology* then!?
Me: why not band together with someone local, has parking & invest in an easee one (10 rfid user discs per charger) or get a community centre (of which there are many on that ex sinkhole estate) to install some 7-22 KWh units ..he like many totally unaware that a hotel swipe card can be used in this manner for metering & charging for "fuel"
Him: (changing subject) ..BP has looked at it (chargers there) but we could only do maybe 5 cars at a time & they stay for a long time.
Me: face palm!
This guy travels to work maybe 6 miles each way. So hardly taxing, likely a shift at a light emblazoned FF station could also arrange judicious use of a 13 amp plug over a shift... but spoonfeeding potential solutions as usual to the dumb / misinformed public continues in these times with "technology" an excuse as the long-standing blanket excuse for everything! ..& the BP is a glorified M&S supermarket & coffee shop heavy on the add one & food, fags & booze shopping..
Mate, we charge 2 on a 13 amp plug, that always panics the entrenched denier when we mention tesla.
Surely not long now before 5p off per kWh on till receipts comes to fruition at supermarkets!?
Greggs business plan will change overnight & grab a "sausage slice" of the coffee, pastry & a charge market surprised not to see a few supercharger type testbed locations already.
(As kids driving in america, we would drive miles just to use a nightime photo processing service, shop, grab a denny's & pick up our pictures, ..this was before extended Sunday trading in the UK & the gradual late night supermarket hours now often 24/7 ..which we have mostly all adapted to) ..folks will grab a late night charge, sit & listen to bad radio stations & use phone tech to fill that gap, but telling them via similar societal change is met by blank
Escooter in your boot, leave it on a charge at the nearby park n ride field of tarmac a full 5 minutes away by escooter (alt solution)
A man walks into an FF BP station..
A man walks into an FF BP station..
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
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It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
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