Stinsy wrote: ↑Wed Feb 12, 2025 7:39 pm
I know we got a SS today, but we should've had several a week all winter. The same is true the other side when it is windy and demand is low. Why pay wind turbine operators to switch off when we could give away free electric.
So IMO market based pricing is the way forward. We just need to remove the friction in our energy markets.
What is SS ?
Most of the curtailment is due to the transmission lines being at max. I dont see how the price of leccy would change that, free or otherwise. A large chunk of curtailment will cease when the East coast connectors get built.
Market based pricing implies there is competition in the market place but there is only one product with no variation.
Not sure what peoples vision of "market pricing" . In China it means the gov NOT setting a price for leccy but allowing market forces to intervene in some way. In most cases around the world of capped pricing of anything leads to a lower artificial price to placate the people who think it "grows on trees" but the taxes are used. You dont get ought for nought.
We already have competition where the suppliers all bid into the market and the cheapest are chosen in priority to the more expensive by the process of "merit order bidding" and then everybody receives the higher price. The process of merit order bidding MOB i have to say does work and the UK possibly has the most reliable system in the world. For years as RE increases they have been going on about MOB giving us higher prices than need be
but nobody seems to come up with a better way, because basically reliabilily costs.