I know returns on GF will be much less this year but finances aside it's the generation of energy we are responsible for versus personal consumption that was the driver for joining Ripple in the first place, especially with wind generation higher in the winter months when solar declines and consumption ratchets up.
It is still the case so CF has come to the fore once more and looking good for today and tomorrow at least. While last year we generated almost 2MWh's more than we consumed, yet for the months from Nov to Mar included we fell short on each so hoping KH will help to redress this.
We were down circa 1.4 MWh's over those five winter months and anticipated annual return from our share in KH is 2.78 MWh's, yet have no idea how much of this is likely to arrive in those dark winter months, although 50% would see us close to bridging the shortfall.
So still exciting times to come even if the rush experienced in the last twelve months is past. On the other hand I can't help but think of the millions of other poor souls so adversely affected by the events that caused it that if the clock could be turned back so they could be reversed I'd happily forego it all in a heart beat!