42GW hydro scheme in DR Congo
42GW hydro scheme in DR Congo
This is huge.
Tesla Model 3 Performance
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Re: 42GW hydro scheme in DR Congo
The problem with these mega dam schemes in areas with scarce water supplies is the risk of Water Wars breaking out. For example Egypt has threatened Ethiopia over its Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
Climate change is also going to make droughts and floods more extreme, so what may seem OK today may not be OK in 20 years time.
Climate change is also going to make droughts and floods more extreme, so what may seem OK today may not be OK in 20 years time.
Last edited by nowty on Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
18.7kW PV > 110MWh generated
Ripple 6.6kW Wind + 4.5kW PV > 32MWh generated
7 Other RE Coop's
105kWh EV storage
60kWh Home battery storage
40kWh Thermal storage
Rain water use > 520 m3
Ripple 6.6kW Wind + 4.5kW PV > 32MWh generated
7 Other RE Coop's
105kWh EV storage
60kWh Home battery storage
40kWh Thermal storage
Rain water use > 520 m3
Re: 42GW hydro scheme in DR Congo
And also, it forces these countries down the route of very large centralised generation, and transmission, infrastructure - which may not be the best thing for such a large continent as Africa with many countries at differing levels of development.
Tesla Model 3 Performance
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Oversees an 11kWp solar array at work
Re: 42GW hydro scheme in DR Congo
$80 billion buys a lot of solar panels that could be distributed to the communities where power is needed. It is also $1000 for every man, woman and child living in DRC, a country where the average salary s below $400 a year.
12x 340W JA Solar panels (4.08kWp)
3x 380W JA Solar panels (1.14kWp)
6x 2.4kWh Pylontech batteries (14.4kWh)
LuxPower inverter/charger
(Artist formally known as ******, well it should be obvious enough to those for whom such things are important.)
3x 380W JA Solar panels (1.14kWp)
6x 2.4kWh Pylontech batteries (14.4kWh)
LuxPower inverter/charger
(Artist formally known as ******, well it should be obvious enough to those for whom such things are important.)
Re: 42GW hydro scheme in DR Congo
That's a lot of solar & wind turbines, deployed with a lot less hassle maintaining it into the future.
Kariba dam that my father worked on is running at about 25% flow capacity, is in urgent need of expensive repair or else the whole region could be on the receiving end of a catastrophic failure, the basalt layer it was built on has eroded massively due to undermining of the spillway.
Wonder how that will be paid for?
Kariba dam that my father worked on is running at about 25% flow capacity, is in urgent need of expensive repair or else the whole region could be on the receiving end of a catastrophic failure, the basalt layer it was built on has eroded massively due to undermining of the spillway.
Wonder how that will be paid for?
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more