
Water turbines and anything associated
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Post by dan_b »

Oh I'm so disappointed! Just spent a few days in Snowdonia with the family and part of my trip I wanted to go to the Dinorwig Electric Mountain visitors centre - I love a bit of massive civil engineering tourism.

Alas, the visitors centre is closed and they have no plans to re-open it - apparently there is a huge amount of big engineering work required at Dinorwig for repairs/maintenance/upgrades, and with Brexit and COVID they haven't had the staff or resources, or the site safety to keep the visitors centre open. Gutted.

Did Snowdown via the Llanberis path up and down in 4.5 hours though, which was nice.
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Re: Closed.


Post by Stinsy »

How was the weather on Snowdon? Was it busy?

I’ve done Snowdon a couple of times. Both times Pyg track up, Miner’s track down. The 2nd time the train was running and the summit was a genuinely horrible experience. Overcrowded with people in very expensive goretex jackets who’d come up on the train to take a photograph for their social media account. We couldn’t wait to get back on the trail.

I like the way the car park gives two options: 4hrs or all-day. 4hrs is a bold commitment and would rather put the pressure on!
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Re: Closed.


Post by Oliver90owner »

A news item today re Snowdon and visitors.
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Re: Closed.


Post by AE-NMidlands »

There was a similar report regarding pressure on the Lake District mountains, but I can't see it now. Also R4 on Sunday morning reported on Ben Nevis and commented on the amount of litter (and other more upleasant stuff) discarded on the way to the top of the mountain.

Too many people, too high a proportion who don't care about their surroundings. What a world...
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Re: Closed.


Post by Mr Gus »

Loperamide, the outdoorsmans staple!

Should be noted as essential kit to these environs.
Same as the reality of if you want to go somewhere beautiful, leave it unsullied.
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Re: Closed.


Post by John_S »

I climbed Ben Nevis for the first time at the beginning of August.
We were actually presently surprised how litter free it was on the way up and around the summit.
Coming down we met several groups going up with litter pickers. They were mainly volunteers with the John Muir Trust who own part of the land.
We made a point of thanking them for their good work.
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