Petrol displacement by EVs

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Petrol displacement by EVs


Post by dan_b »

This is good to see - an analysis of petrol consumption displacement by BEVs in the US over the last 10 years.
In short, in 2020, BEVs and PHEVs displaced the consumption of 500million (US) gallons of petrol. ... 20-in-usa/

Wonder if similar figures are available for the EU/UK?
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Re: Petrol displacement by EVs


Post by Stinsy »

We've moved temporarily from a 2-car family (one PHEV and one dirty diesel) to a one-car family (just the dirty diesel) while we await delivery of our iD4. Our fuel consumption has jumped significantly £20 a month for the dirty diesel and £20 every few months for the PHEV has turned into £20 a week for the dirty diesel!

The PHEV saved us a lot more fuel than we realised!
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