Ukraine- Seemingly no longer newsworthy!

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Ukraine- Seemingly no longer newsworthy!


Post by Adokforme »

I've been ruminating recently about how little publicity surrounds Ukraine's plight these days. Presumably because it's not new news any more. But with their energy sources and infrastructure being targeted as it has in recent weeks I can't imagine how many of us would survive one of their winters in their shoes. So when I came across the article below I couldn't help but add a few bob to the cause, especially as it revolved around renewable energy.
Thought I'd post on here in case anyone else might be of a similar mindset. ... ark-times/
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Re: Ukraine- Seemingly no longer newsworthy!


Post by Sunrisemike »

The Guardian reports every day. I follow a number of blogs. It is unbelievable that in this day and age, that whole sale slaughter of innocent lives can be tolerated. Ukraine is fighting on our behalf for the freedom of democracy. We should stay involved.
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