Mr Gus wrote: ↑Fri Apr 14, 2023 12:45 pm
Do you not see the point in getting that fact across to consumers in order to avoid that being foisted upon people & having farmers follow / sell up though John?
"Fear of" ..advertising / campaigning.
The fact that we have the massive american battery chicken unit presence now in the uk should indicate palm greasing money plans to push for profitable (to them) change.
Public not concerned they have been fed a diet by the BBC that UK farming is the cause of all environmental problems and are so clueless they actually believe it. Therefore the demise of the UK farmer is inevitable. Hence the deals to get food imported from anywhere and dont worry about standards as you wont need to comply with any of the standards which UK farmers have to comply with.
You only have to look at the proposed SFI scheme to realise that if your stupid enough to sign upto it although you may own the land you no longer have control of what if anything is grown on that land.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Mr Gus wrote: ↑Fri Apr 14, 2023 4:10 pm
Care to share SFI knowledge please?
Nothing to share as Defra are clueless on the prime function of farming for food and instead have an agenda to rewild the whole country. Great if your the National Trust or RSPB who are directing the policy but useless for anyone who happens to think growing and eating local UK produce should be a priority. Never mind we can always import like the great tomato debacle earlierin the year.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
You see thats what the government want to portray to the public when in fact SFI actually tells farmers to Stop Farming Immediately. Which if they sign up for this government garbage is precisely what will happen as the government although not owner of the land gets to tell the farmer precisely what he can do to the land and when there allowed to do it. If you have seen Clarksons farm and the red tape Jeremy has had to jump through that is nothing compared to this. In real terms their is very little distinction between what this government is doing to British farmers and the difficulties faced by farmers in Russia after WW2.
Any "good" (you know what I mean) discussions on TFF RJ?
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Mr Gus wrote: ↑Sat Apr 15, 2023 9:16 pm
Any "good" (you know what I mean) discussions on TFF RJ?
Current discussion on what is happening on Dartmoor is well worth a read whereby Natural England are totally changing the historic landscape of Dartmoor thats been around for hundreds of years and provided incomes and a way of life for the commoners all being swept aside for some lunatic rewilding policies. The North have suffered similar stupid policies promoted by the RSPB on Saddleworth moor which did not end well with massive uncontrolled fires destroying the landscape.
We have fen re-flooding down here, there will be a lot more mosquitos as a starter for ten, that is also a re-wilding project.
1906 ripplewatts @wind Turb-ine-erry
It's the wifes Tesla 3 (she lets me wash it)
Leaf 24
Celotex type insulation stuffed most places
Skip diver to the gentry
Austroflamm WBS
A finger of solar + shed full more
Mr Gus wrote: ↑Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:50 pm
We have fen re-flooding down here, there will be a lot more mosquitos as a starter for ten, that is also a re-wilding project.
but at least if nobody has malaria already they won't be passing that on...
2.0 kW/4.62 MWh pa in Ripples, 4.5 kWp W-facing pv, 9.5 kWh batt
30 solar thermal tubes, 2MWh pa in Stockport, plus Congleton and Kinlochbervie Hydros,
Most travel by bike, walking or bus/train. Veg, fruit - and Bees!
Mr Gus wrote: ↑Sun Apr 16, 2023 3:50 pm
We have fen re-flooding down here, there will be a lot more mosquitos as a starter for ten, that is also a re-wilding project.
They tried that on the Somerset levels it did not end well. At least the Environment agency were kicked off the scene and control returned to the local drainage boards and farmers since when there has been no major flooding. Yet another government quango that needs to be put out of its misery for being totally useless.