Mr Gus wrote: ↑Tue May 30, 2023 10:24 pm Please be extremely careful of any council scheme, I have not come across a good one yet.
My experience is that the council, unless there is a dedicated solar & product knowledgeable member involved it will be a "spin the wheel" experience.
Each time a council logo'ed letter for this sort of scheme came through the door I rang the given number. ..the people on the other end fielded a call, but knew precisely sod all about solar, didn't understand the term "photovoltaic" monocrystalline, amorphous, polysilicone, batteries, orientation, inverter, etc etc a complete shill.
The council were getting a bung of around £140 per person who took up the final offer.
Between them they were herding docile cattle to the slaughter, the excuse was "we won't discuss anything about the deal until we know how many people are on board" ...buying blind from dubious salesmen who if they knocked on your door you'd view with utmost suspicion, ..the cambridgeshire council were box-ticking for profit.
if you saw this played out on tv's watchdog (type thing) you'd think "mugs, how is that legal" !?
I think someone here had better luck, & got ok kit, but many people rely on honesty, & upfront detail, unless the kit is named that they stock & use successfully on a regular basis then buyer beware, there is no comeback to the councils from this, although they make the introduction you take up the offer voluntarily, they take the money.
In the end I rang the stupid effwit council & told them to take me off their damned marketing list(s) ..had to do that TWICE so far, hopefully me being very forceful to the point of rudeness & threatening them second time round has got us off ALL their mail out lists... they will likely also lie & say each dept would have to be contacted separately to be removed from any "random" council letters, such as fostering.
Clearly bull-crap on the part of a council & demonstrates the shady nature of modern councils feeding off us all like bloody leeches.
I've already said no to the non commitment quote, I was mainly interested to see what was on offer and wasn't ready to commit anyway (which I told them some time ago). It didn't actually look too bad from a kit point of view with mainly Growatt gear.
After spending a 6 weeks trying to get a larger general waste bin I know the feeling well. Long story short, council reduced the size of the general waste bins then the next year reduced the frequency of collections, I have my grand kids down here on a very regular basis and nappies pilling up unable to put them in the small bins isnt healthly, but the council still wont give me one. I know the feeling of dealing with the council well !!