Outgoing Octopus

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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by Yuff »

Do you lose control of IO schedules or does that still work in the same way?
It makes storage more valuable as I get more off peak usage if I can’t get an IO slot and any excess I can sell back for profit.
I’ll be continually charging and discharging it looks like :shock:
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by nowty »

Yuff wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:51 pm Do you lose control of IO schedules or does that still work in the same way?
It makes storage more valuable as I get more off peak usage if I can’t get an IO slot and any excess I can sell back for profit.
I’ll be continually charging and discharging it looks like :shock:
IO import tariff works same way.
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by AGT »

No export meter required?
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by nowty »

AGT wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:50 pm No export meter required?
Your Smart meter is typically used as your export meter and the DNO will supply an export mpan number to it. So you will have two mpan numbers for the same meter, one for import and one for export.

If you cant have a smart meter it may still be possible with an export meter but whether Octopus will play ball or not is not clear. You certainly would not be able to be on the agile export tariff with a simple export meter.
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by John_S »

AGT wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:50 pm No export meter required?

Your Smart meter is typically used as your export meter and the DNO will supply an export mpan number to it. So you will have two mpan numbers for the same meter, one for import and one for export.

If you can't have a smart meter it may still be possible with an export meter but whether Octopus will play ball or not is not clear. You certainly would not be able to be on the agile export tariff with a simple export meter.
In the matrix above, Octopus show the 15p per kWh export tariff being available with standard fixed and variable tariffs, so it looks as if it is ok without a smart meter.
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by nowty »

John_S wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:49 pm
AGT wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:50 pm No export meter required?

Your Smart meter is typically used as your export meter and the DNO will supply an export mpan number to it. So you will have two mpan numbers for the same meter, one for import and one for export.

If you can't have a smart meter it may still be possible with an export meter but whether Octopus will play ball or not is not clear. You certainly would not be able to be on the agile export tariff with a simple export meter.
In the matrix above, Octopus show the 15p per kWh export tariff being available with standard fixed and variable tariffs, so it looks as if it is ok without a smart meter.
It may be possible at a push but don't bank on it.
https://octopus.energy/help-and-faqs/ar ... do-i-join/

"You’ll first need a smart meter we can get half-hourly readings from (either a second generation ‘SMETS2’ meter or a first generation ‘SMETS1’ meter made by Secure)."
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by NikoV6 »

For Octopus to offer this they must still be making money on the 15p export, what is the average wholesale price of electric at the moment?
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by Yuff »

Their standard tariff these days is around 26p, and I imagine a lot of customers are paying that.
So IO isn’t affected and anytime I discharge, more than I am using, I’ll get 15p/kwh.
If something seems too good to be true it normally is, however I thought the same with IO :mrgreen:

Edit: it says you can only be on outgoing export lite if you are on intelligent but the table shows otherwise 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by bxman »

No guarantee that they know what they are doing but yesterday the 9th I received an email from an

Energy Specialist at Octopus Energy

"Our eligibility criteria and tariff combination criteria has recently been updated, this means you can now be on Outgoing Octopus tariff and Octopus Go at the same time (when before you could not combine these two tariffs on one account).

So it looks to apply to both I/O and GO

There is some sense in this decision as it does benefit the the environment .

Hopefully they will eventually realize that adding a premium for the afternoon peak period would do even more good .

So that those of us with " spare/ adequate " battery capacity could contribute when ever able to do so .
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Re: Outgoing Octopus


Post by nowty »

NikoV6 wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:06 am For Octopus to offer this they must still be making money on the 15p export, what is the average wholesale price of electric at the moment?
Year ahead baseload prices are about 10p and next day can be as low as 5p but that does vary day to day mainly based on the weather.

Octopus have previously said they don't hedge for smart tariffs, so maybe they are making their own internal market. Scottish Power upped their SEG offering significantly to 12p with an EV tariff so it may be more about retaining existing customers.

Octopus are also contractually paying 27p rebates until next March for us Ripple GF Wind Turbine members. 8-)
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