While on holiday the WiFi access to the goodwe hybrid inverter dropped out. I thought it would just be a power cycle to sort on return home.
Not quite, so after exhausting my limited IT skills I contacted Goodwe UK this morning. Within 30 minutes a rep mailed back with the following.
Can you please try to do the configuration steps below?
1- Turn off your mobile data on your settings
2- Connect your phone to the solar wi-fi of your inverter with the password (12345678)
3- Open Google Chrome or Safari [Only these two browsers will open the IP Server]
4- On Google Chrome or Safari please type the following IP address: and click go.
5- It will ask you for a username and password
6- Username is: admin [lower case] Password: admin [lower case]
7- Once you sign in you will find start setup at the bottom in a blue icon, press on it.
8- Will tell you 'It is strongly recommended to change the solar wi-fi password, please click continue.
9- then it will ask you to select your Wi-Fi network, please choose your Wi-Fi modem, and then when you choose your wireless network next to it you will find something called RSSI it should be above 50%.
10- Once you choose your Wi-Fi press next
11- Will ask you to type your wireless password, make sure that you are typing the correct password of your wireless network then press next.
12: confirm to complete.
WiFI back up and running and very impressed with the quality and speed of support. Go Goodwe!!
Goodwe hybrid inverter
Goodwe hybrid inverter
15kW PV SE, VI, HM, EN
42kWh LFPO4 storage
200ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees
42kWh LFPO4 storage
200ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees
Re: Goodwe hybrid inverter
Oh well, spoke too soon. WIFI on hybrid inverter dropped out again after an hour or so. Further excellent comms to Goodwe have isolated it to.a WiFi dongle failure (98% likely).
Just waiting on a part no confirmation and I'll order a new one.
Just waiting on a part no confirmation and I'll order a new one.
15kW PV SE, VI, HM, EN
42kWh LFPO4 storage
200ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees
42kWh LFPO4 storage
200ltr HWT.
73kWh HI5
Deep insulation, air leak ct'd home
Low energy bulbs
Veg patches & fruit trees