OGW used to sing the praises for his sunamp, I have read that they sometimes split and spill the liquid but not much else, I was contemplating one at one point but I decided to hold off and see how ASHP developed as the lure of a potential 4 to 1 advantage was too good to pass up on - happily with the latest development of the under counter HWC it looks like my wait has been answered. Once the remainder of this years GCH figures have been collected I will have enough information to ensure that the system we plump for will do the job required, plus who knows what extra improvements/ breakthroughs will occur in the second half of 2024?
I saw on Linkedin yesterday that one ASHP installer had installed everything in a wooden lean to specially added to the house for the job, this was something that I had been wondering if it was possible for quite some time, I knew Nowty had done his own DIY similar set up but seeing that installers were also now starting to provide a similar "approved" install was another positive step. Sadly I am awful at social media stuff and I cannot find the article to even attempt to paste a link here - and I even followed the installer so I could find the article again but alas to no avail
