Hi, thanks for the comments.
The gable faces between SSW and SW
What isnt clear from that photo is the corner plot, with road and parking area beyond, in front of my house.
As the sun swings round, the panels will all be in full sun, before the fence comes into play.
I dont envisage the fence becoming an issue, but i can always cut the wavy top off if it is.
Ive spent all day mocking up what configuration with all sorts of panels would be.
Yes they are lower than i would have liked but should be fine for the majority of the day.
If i stepped down a panel size from 2323 high to 1722 high i would still only be able to fit 5 panels on, but granted these would be a little higher up.
The thought is not lost on me, but I would still have evening sun shining from the gate on the left hand side, over the panel in summer after 7pm. In winter the sun doesnt get anywhere near there before setting.
If i went even smaller still, to 340W i could fit even more on, but to the detriment of asthetics.
If i go with a victron multiplus 5kw, as i think i will, start up voltage is about 180-190v
I assume this is fine given 5x625w panels with a voc of 51-52V
That depends, on if an installer can fit the inverter within my timeframe and what the DNO say.
If not, these panels will be DC connected to the batteries and the roof solar will be on the new hybrid mppts.
Im not worried about mounting or the weights. I have a scaffold tower to safely work from and a winch, with pulleys and more than enough rope. rigging was part of my former job, so i should be fine.
I also dis enquire with planning about any kind of canopy over the door. Its about 1.3m from wall to boundary fence. They said even for a canopy across the door I would have to have planning.
I can have projections on the wall out to 200mm, and be safe, but no canopy without hassle. Otherwise i would have put in for planning and had a full width of the house canopy/covered walkway.
3.16kw Canadian solar. roof. 3kw solis G98 mcs
12kw midea ASHP
200l hot water
3152W RE, Whitelaw Brae
Octopus agile/outgoing fixed 15p
Hybrid system
43kwh eve batteries, 3x16 280A
6-8+kw solar, DC connected.