Continuity of energy supply - S Africa turns a corner.

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Continuity of energy supply - S Africa turns a corner.


Post by Adokforme »

Something we possibly all take for granted here, but elsewhere in the world others are not so lucky!
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Re: Continuity of energy supply - S Africa turns a corner.


Post by Colin Deng »

We frequently encounter customers with urgent energy needs who are hindered by exorbitant shipping costs for batteries. In some cases, shipping fees are triple the battery's price. This is a significant challenge we aim to address.
Colin Deng(Batterycolin)
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Re: Continuity of energy supply - S Africa turns a corner.


Post by Saladin »


I think it has more to do with oppressive and brutal foreign policy that luck. Our lives are predicated on the exploitation of the African continent. We couldn't have Li-ion, or smartphones without their minerals, steel without their ore, coffee without their beans or cheap goods without their slavery low wages. etc..

Why is the planet's most resource rich continent also the poorest?
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Re: Continuity of energy supply - S Africa turns a corner.


Post by Joeboy »

Saladin wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 11:37 am Image

I think it has more to do with oppressive and brutal foreign policy that luck. Our lives are predicated on the exploitation of the African continent. We couldn't have Li-ion, or smartphones without their minerals, steel without their ore, coffee without their beans or cheap goods without their slavery low wages. etc..

Why is the planet's most resource rich continent also the poorest?
Endemic internal corruption is the answer coupled with chaotic poorly managed infrastructure & projects. I worked in Africa for years, being there for a while gives a real perspective on how Africa works. Nothing gets done without kickbacks & bribery. That's the black money that Africa daily operates on and it works, the money moves, micro economies everywhere.

The Africa govt to corporate contracts are made but the money rarely reaches the people that need it, one cent on the thousand dollar bundle(maybe) It all instead just slowly disappears offshore in the billions and then the next generation of politicos move into position to feed and not much changes.

Apart from more arms purchases, mini wars, the occasional coup. You don't have to look for a boogeyman outside to see why not much has changed since Africa emerged from it's colonial past.

As to the wealth of the continent. The Chinese have given Africa a fairer shake than Europe or US ever did. Riches for infrastructure projects run by Chinese contractors so yes indeed China is being paid but at least something real is being traded.

The timber marshaling yards and their contents and scale I saw in Angola would make ye weep. Most going to cabinet veneers. :(

The oil & gas, gems, metals & ores precious and otherwise? They go the same way and the guy on the street gets nothing.

Ah but an African marketplace early in the morning, it's alive with trade, real trade. :D Cold beer, weed, yams, hookers, food, crap electronics, clothes new & 9th hand, the stink of all the vehicles, the absolute chaos of it all! Brings a smile to my face even now. P.S I didn't bother with the hookers or the weed.

I hope this regular power is an extended state of improvement for SA.
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