It's a good question and I didn't include the expected generation, which is around 2.2MWh/yr. There are a few Youtubers recording data from their north facing arrays, and it seems they can be surprisingly useful.
The best quote I have for the whole work £4,970, including MCS. I could probably sell both my existing 3.6kW and unused 5kW inverters to recoup a little.
If we assume (we know what that makes) it's only "offsetting" purchase of IOG cheap slot energy then the generation is "worth" £154/yr. The value is of course worth slightly more than that though as it'll increase export during sunny months.
So, I think it comes down to three choices
- roofer to install panels from City Plumbing, around £3200, DIY inverter swap, get Octopus Energy Services to approve - £250, inform DNO myself
- commercial installation including MCS, around £4200
- do nothing, leave itch unscratched