Old King Coal

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Re: Old King Coal


Post by dan_b »

Interesting read about the birth, growth, and ultimately death, of coal on the UK Grid.

https://centralbylines.co.uk/featured/p ... tion-ends/
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Re: Old King Coal


Post by ecogeorge »

Think its criminal we now import coal for fires -yes a lot of people still burn coal.
Not saying its correct but we have uk coal.
Genuinely believe we should use home produced coal to replace some imported gas UNTIL we have more renewables.
We need to be energy independant and are at the mercy of Putin until we are.
Before the tiraid of abuse i am a huge eco / renewables supporter (currently spending money on retro planning -£283 so far and now need additional plans to show elevations of 5 vertical panels on garage/house and ground mounted array in garden) -because someone says they aren't permitted.
Oh -and a compulsory Bio diversity survey........
Could take them down and put oil boiler in ........BUT thats not right imho.
1750w Vertical PV micro inverters
3800w almost horizontal/south
Aarrow Becton 7 Woodburner
Dream 3kw ASHP only connected to summer Pool.
Allotment heavy clay.
1.784kw Kirk Hill
0.875kw Derril Water
0.2kwWhitelaw Brae
1kw Harlow Hydro.
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