Another Lister generator problem

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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Thanks for tips. I have actually drained the tank and ordered a new filter. It all seemed sparkling clean. Nothing in the filter bowl. Asher seem like a good outfit for testing and repairing injectors. They were recommended by my hydraulics guy, who has fixed a fair few things of mine over the years. Asher's said they have a new one (or recon, not sue which) in stock if it's needed. Also fuel pumps. Hope to have her back together this coming week.
Agree that maybe the centurion is a bit much for the generator. I'll try it on the phoenix tomorrow, I have down rated the charge rate a bit. It's a bit of a bu88er to start, Thought that small would only need a hand start, but blimey, needs a heck of a pull!
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Krill »

Out of interest, is the diesel stored specifically for the lister generator, or is it also used for anything else?
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Countrypaul »

All diesel in the UK now contains biodiesel which can result in diesel-bug developing if the turnover in the tank is low and left for long periods. This is a common problem wih boats that are left over winter without use. The "bug" that develop can cause blockages and can result in engine damage (I have no experience of this and don't have a boat). There are various treatments for diesel to prevent this problem.

I have no idea how often you run your diesel generator and how frequent the tank turnover is, but if it left larerly unused over the summer months it is somethig you ay want to consider.
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Actually, the diesel has been in the tank for about 6 years, but I did put additive in it back then. I have had real problems on boats with bugs getting into the tanks, it was a nightmare getting rid of it. Thanks for reminding me, I have just put a 1000 litres in, I will get some more. Everything else is running OK.
My new back up, probably under size generator, did start charging this morning through the phoenix multi, but the multi didn't like it and after 30 seconds cut out. I tried a couple of times more, but it didn't like it. I will attempt to send it back.
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by AGT »

What about running the generator with a resistive load connected up as well as the charger?

500watt oil fillled heater perhaps?
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Well, these o so simple listers do have a few quirks, for a rather basic engineer (i.e. me). I had a hydraulics guy, who has done some work for me before. over for an hour to remove the injector and connect it up to see if any fuel was coming out, knowing that I would probably knacker the thread or drop the nut into the bowls of the engine. He was pretty nifty and had it out and tested in no time. I then jumped on the ferry and took it to the Southampton injector specialists.
Ok, thinks I, maybe a good idea to change the filter, as it's never been changed (gen had only done 10 hours when I got It 7 years ago, and only done 200 hours max.) Well, there's no fuel cut off valve from the tank, so I pumped it out. I sent off for the element, as no one had one over here, to stationary engine parts. I replaced the fuel bowl with the new element and bled the system. I did notice fuel dribbling out of the fuel pump where the injector pipe had been removed. I screwed it back in. Then I thought I should do the same for the oil element. Checked the oil level, and removed the dip stick. Diesel poured out. Ok figured out that after the mechanic left, he had removed the injector pipe. I drained the oil, picked up an oil filter and stood in Halfords googling what oil to put in a lister. I went for the post that said it didn't seem to matter, so went for the mineral oil.

Went back and stared pouring the oil into the engine, but no oil appeared on the bottom of the dipstick. Stupid, of course the injector is out. took off rocker cover and turned the engine over by hand, pumping oil out all over the place (including dribbling out of the exhaust). I guess spending £30 to get my man back to check it goes back together might be a good investment. :oops:
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Joeboy »

Sunrisemike wrote: Mon Nov 11, 2024 7:03 pm Well, these o so simple listers do have a few quirks, for a rather basic engineer (i.e. me). I had a hydraulics guy, who has done some work for me before. over for an hour to remove the injector and connect it up to see if any fuel was coming out, knowing that I would probably knacker the thread or drop the nut into the bowls of the engine. He was pretty nifty and had it out and tested in no time. I then jumped on the ferry and took it to the Southampton injector specialists.
Ok, thinks I, maybe a good idea to change the filter, as it's never been changed (gen had only done 10 hours when I got It 7 years ago, and only done 200 hours max.) Well, there's no fuel cut off valve from the tank, so I pumped it out. I sent off for the element, as no one had one over here, to stationary engine parts. I replaced the fuel bowl with the new element and bled the system. I did notice fuel dribbling out of the fuel pump where the injector pipe had been removed. I screwed it back in. Then I thought I should do the same for the oil element. Checked the oil level, and removed the dip stick. Diesel poured out. Ok figured out that after the mechanic left, he had removed the injector pipe. I drained the oil, picked up an oil filter and stood in Halfords googling what oil to put in a lister. I went for the post that said it didn't seem to matter, so went for the mineral oil.

Went back and stared pouring the oil into the engine, but no oil appeared on the bottom of the dipstick. Stupid, of course the injector is out. took off rocker cover and turned the engine over by hand, pumping oil out all over the place (including dribbling out of the exhaust). I guess spending £30 to get my man back to check it goes back together might be a good investment. :oops:
That does sound like a good £30 spend. Do you have a running schedule for the unit? Maybe 30 minutes every fortnight? 🤔
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Update, the injector is fine. Darn, could it be anything other than the injector fuel pump?? Never had this sort of problem and had loads of engines run out of fuel. Guess it's pump off and another trans Solent trip to swop the pump with the injector. (Luckily, OAP so half price).
Thanks Ian for sending through the ST1 work shop manual, pure gold.
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Fintray »

No problem Mike, glad to be of help.

Can you try with the injector connected to the feed pipe but not installed so you can see the spray which should help confirm or rule out the injector pump? Just make sure it cannot spray on you!
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Yes, we did that in the beginning, and there was no spray, hence I took it over to PB Asher in Southampton, who specialise in reconditioning injectors. They phoned today to say the injector is fine, hence a new sense of doom!
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