Another Lister generator problem

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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Fintray »

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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Update on my dear Lister ST1.
I decided to remove the injector pump myself and take it over to Asher's in Southampton. I am always terrified of dropping one of those tiny circlip things down into an inaccessible part of the engine, but having stuffed newspaper under it, everything came apart far more easily than I thought. Probably not exactly in the right order, but a result.
Having hopped on the ferry and walked to the workshop, the manager came out with the tested ok injector and took away the pump to have a quick look. He came back a few minutes later, and said it looked absolutely fine, in fact, hardly used. He took me back into the work shop, that was like a Tardis. Benches and machinery everywhere, with bits of injectors (some the size of my arm, I guess even the cruise ships need their injectors renovated occasionally). He then explained and demonstrated how easily the pump can get an airlock, allowing some fuel to go through, but not at pressure. with the pump on it's side, he poured some fuel into the fuel intake and pushed the bottom of the pump in with a rod and stuck his finger over the outlet. sure enough, fuel was coming out, but not with pressure. A few more pumps, and hey presto, fuel squirted out at high pressure. Hopefully then, after I put it back together, I will have a result. He did say that it might be worth hooking it up to a temporary supply and pump it through with a hand squeeze bulb, as used on outboard motors. He also hooked up the injector to the tester to show me the spray. impressive. He charged me 30 minutes of labour, which I thought was very generous.

I'll let you know ow this turns out.. :roll:
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Fintray »

Sounds like it wont be long before its back in action.

I'm going to get my one wired back to the Victron system just in case it is needed, getting a new pole mounted transformer fitted to our supply on the 4th December.
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

well, I'm flummoxed by this. I have tried loosening off the top of the injector, as advised by Asher (Injector specialist, who tested the injector, and was ok, hand tested the injector pump and thought ok), but no joy. I then jury rigged a temporary feed with a squeeze bulb and pumped copious amounts of fuel through, Still nothing, when I hand cranked decompressed with pipe to inverted injector (to check for any mist). Nothing. Am at a loss and have now ordered a cheapo Chinese job as I am relying on a 24 year old Primac and need to charge a couple of hours a day in the winter.
I guess need to try a replacement injector pump, but this one has only done about 500 hours...
Any further suggestions??
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Moxi »


When you are turning the engine over are you reaching the required compression ratio? Is it possible that when it was running out of fuel that it backfired or during disassembly you have done anything to affect the timing ?

Are all the rocker bolts complete, none are sheared off or loose etc

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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Marcus »

I don't have any experience with lister - more old tractors, so i haven't contributed so far, particularly as you seem to have all bases covered already.

It's always hard to 'check your own work' so try and forget what you've already done and assume nothing, and check absolutly everything:-

Is the run/stop definitely in the run position?

is the injection pump actually turning when the engine is cranked (i am assuming the engine is turning the right way)?

Take the injector pipe off and ensure the fuel squirts out .

If so put the pipe on but not the injector (or have it loose at the injector until it squirts without bubbles) - i can'tsee how the pipe could be blocked, but I'massuming nothing :).

Attach/tighten injector and see if it produces a spray.
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by knighty »

bit later to the thread

I guess it'll be spinning over nice and fast with the injector out?

I'd leave the injectror out and remove, remove the fuel pipe from it

then spin the engine and mess/fiddle with anything you can while spinning it over

sometimes air locks can be a real pig to shift
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Sunrisemike »

Thanks for all of your moral boosting posts! well yes, the injector is out, I'm squeezing the bulb, spinning the engine, fuel flying every where! It of course drops down into the sump past the injector pump, and I will have to change the oil before starting, IF I can ever get fuel through the injector...
It doesn't run out with as much zeal if I stop squeezing the bulb and continue to turn the engine over. I'm wondering if there is a non return valve in there, that has got stuck or summit. Not sure it's good idea to take it apart and look...

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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by Marcus »

Ok, perhaps im not understanding:

so with the injector disconnected from its pipe the fuel spurts from the end of the pipe when the engine is cranked? But less vigorously if you crank without squeezing the bulb?

That doesn't sound like injector pipe, more like the drain pipe back to the tank (with the caveat that I'm not familiar with lister injection system). Once you have fuel coming into the injection pump, squeezing the bulb shouldn't have much effect on what comes through the injector pipe in my experience.

There was another 'obvious' thing to double check that i forgot to put on my previous list:-
Is the throttle open? As it's a generator, it's not something you usually adjust, it's just set for 1500rpm or whatever, but if ithe pump's been removed and fiddled with, make sure it's set to a speed > idle.
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Re: Another Lister generator problem


Post by knighty »

as above, if you have a good flow of fuel through the injector fuel pipe with no injector fitted, you should have fuel out through the injector too!

any change of more photos of your setup?
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