Cam Pets, or Petcam?

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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Mart »

Toby news, he's now ours. All paperwork and payments made. He's lost another 0.5kg, so 36kg. Guide Dog contract requires we keep him under 37kg, with a vet target weight of 35kg, and a GD target of 34kg, as they like their dogs a tad light.

He'll be 9yrs old in a couple of months, and after 6yrs of service, should get to enjoy a relaxing few years of retirement.

And I may be in love!

Got a call that a Maine Coon was at the rescue, knowing that I adore them. Been down to see him a couple of times, he's the classic, all love and cuddles, and whilst a bit noisy, not too bad. He's so sweet, that after just one day, he's sharing a pen with a small momma cat and her 3 young kittens.

Would have him in a heartbeat, but too worried he'd get stolen. If only we had a catio, maybe that's the next project?

Got some pics, but they are all poor. I was a bit jammed in, so blurred, or I managed to snap my fingertip too, or possibly my white knees, not sure.




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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Moxi »


Is the cat looking for a forever home ? My wife spotted him over my shoulder and as you know we are a pet friendly home so she was wondering if the poor fella needed a new home??

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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Mart »

Moxi wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2025 2:05 pm Mart,

Is the cat looking for a forever home ? My wife spotted him over my shoulder and as you know we are a pet friendly home so she was wondering if the poor fella needed a new home??

I'll check, but be warned, I am pricing up timber and wire mesh out of interest ...... for a catio, but may be a mad idea. Cookie Monster is improving, but still scratching head, so I'm not sure how we'll cope when doors are open, as he can't go out with a cone, and can't be trusted without one. So may need to build something anyway. Or something like these look pretty cool.

He is utterly gorgeous, and friendly, sorry the pics are bad.
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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Moxi »

Thanks Mart,

That's really appreciated although naturally we would defer to you if you decided you wanted to offer your home. Up here I am happy to report that Bodhi the newest bio heater is now almost 9 months old and a slim 27kg! He's going to be a big lad just like his dad when he finally gets to adult age!. He still thinks he's a springy puppy and its quite a shock when that 27kG does a standing jump into your lap on the settee. There has been a few spilt coffees and a couple of eye watering moments but we wouldn't be without him. He gets walked three time a day, once first thing in the morning on his own for obedience training then later in the morning for a run and then early afternoon with Sam and Ivory to get used to pack walks.

In other news Enfy's is due to come into shed soon and at the last shed she was 76cm long - she's very easy going and can be handled easily and as snakes go she has quite a "character" about her.

Just a reminder that I have loads of Indian stick insects and my black beauties have reached maturity and I have two egg laying females so I am collecting eggs if anyone wants some - drop me a message.

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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Mart »

So ..... there's been a lot of interest, but naturally Anna (of ARC) is being careful. Sadly, some people may try to sell on, 'special' cats, or weirdly lose all interest when they are neutered! So always great to be able to recommend someone. [If OK, send me a PM with some of your details, I'll mention your interest. And if you want me to keep an eye out for anything particular in the future?]

I'm chatting about the thoughts of getting a catio, as she's looking for someone ideally with Maine Coon experience and/or a large house, and/or a catio. No idea how she manages to do all this work (rehomed/helped about 4,000 cats (and a few dogs) last year), and still stay sane.

She's a bit concerned about our dogs, as the cat hasn't met any before ..... but I suspect ours are a push over, and friendly cats tend to get on with friendly dogs very fast. As can be seen in the recent pic of Cookie and Toby, sleeping away.

Here's a pic of fat, stressed, Doyle today:


For no particular reason, thought I'd post this old pic from 4+yrs ago. Two very old girls came in together (and were adopted together), one was very matted, but too small for most cat coats, so a thick sock came to the rescue. They were very sweet, but also baffled as to what was going on, so I nicknamed them 'Dazed and Confused'.

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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Moxi »

Thanks Mart, I will send you some details later tonight, with regards to Cats we have always got our feline friends from rescue homes so spayed or neutered is normal for us - in fact the wife keeps giving me a side ways glance lately :shock: so I better be careful I don't find myself in that camp! :roll:

I will have to catch the pets on camera later too and put some update shot on the forum for you.

House size for us is a bit odd as me, wife and three children live with a lab, a retriever a retriever lab cross and a grumpy old Patterdale plus one and a half cats, on a cosy 84 sq meter 3 bed cottage, but we also own the annex where the MiL and FIL reside with their retriever lab cross Margo who is is the daughetr to Sam (Lab) and Ivory (Lab ret X) then theres the other half of a cat (sooty) and their own cat - so overall the house space is really more like 188sq meters. Sooty was a rescue cat from many many years ago and he comes in ours or goes next door according to the weather and his whim. Hes friendly and approachable but knows his own mind and is independent.

I know my wife has wanted another cat for ages and up until now I have resisted - but we have space and love and food and warmth and I am getting more mellow so I think its time we extended the pet family and helped another stray find a happy home. - I will PM you later with contact details and we will see if we are suitable adoptees :D be it a "special" or just a plain old fluffy moggie, I don't think we mind.

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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Mart »

I'm going to pop down now to give him another cuddle, so if you're happy with any old moggy, I'll just grab one (or two*) on the way out, and post it to you. Don't worry, I'll pop air holes in the box. :shock:

*I've unsuccessfully suggested a way to help speed up rehoming - adopt one cat, get two more free. Or, we just shove one in people's cars whilst they are busy. Anna was not very receptive to these suggestions.

And yes, I did steal these ideas from 'Whiskas R We', a repeat sketch on SnL with Kate McKinnon playing a slightly mad cat lady rescue owner.
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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Moxi »

Two would be our max given that we have one and a half already - but long haired seems to be the preference.

Wife has explained Maine coon’s to me since she got home from swimming.

From top to bottom that’s Bodhi, Sam aka treacle king, Ivory and dear old kipper




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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Mart »

Stunning, all of them.
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Re: Cam Pets, or Petcam?


Post by Moxi »

Managed to get Jaffa to pose today - not a regular occurrence. He’s heavier and taller than kipper !

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