Currently back in the loft. Flooring, shelving and generally making it a fully useable space. Packing out any wee bits I find with earthwool and framing in the ashp pipework for longterm protection.
A good wee job to pass time until 3G goes in. 12 days to go!
More swatches ordered by swmbo for blinds. Hopefully one of the fresh 8 on their way will pass muster.
My mind keeps going to Ronski and his installation after speaking to the plywood guy yesterday. The only daft question is the one unasked. Fingers

In the loft, We have old school fibre insulation, earthwool insulation, celotex on the walls of the loft conversion, blown cellulose in the hard to reach spots and also vermiculite. All that added together over the years barely qualifies us for the govt recommended depth!